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171 - 180 of 861 for Bretschneider's FormulaSearch Results

The semiperimeter on a figure is defined as s=1/2p, (1) where p is the perimeter. The semiperimeter of polygons appears in unexpected ways in the computation of their areas. ...
A well-formed formula B is said to be true for the interpretation M (written |=_MB) iff every sequence in Sigma (the set of all denumerable sequences of elements of the ...
A prime factorization algorithm also known as Pollard Monte Carlo factorization method. There are two aspects to the Pollard rho factorization method. The first is the idea ...
Propositional calculus, first-order logic, and other theories in mathematical logic are defined by their axioms (or axiom schemata, plural: axiom schemata) and inference ...
A metatheorem in mathematical logic also known under the name "conditional proof." It states that if the sentential formula B can be derived from the set of sentential ...
The volume of a polyhedron composed of N triangular faces with vertices (a_i,b_i,c_i) can be computed using the curl theorem as V=1/6sum_(i=1)^Na_i·n_i, where the normal n_i ...
A proof based on a dissection which shows the formula for the area of a plane figure or of the volume of a solid. Dozens of different dissection proofs are known for the ...
The length of a number n in base b is the number of digits in the base-b numeral for n, given by the formula L(n,b)=|_log_b(n)_|+1, where |_x_| is the floor function. The ...
Quantifier elimination is the removal of all quantifiers (the universal quantifier forall and existential quantifier exists ) from a quantified system. A first-order theory ...
A cubic equation is an equation involving a cubic polynomial, i.e., one of the form a_3x^3+a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0=0. Since a_3!=0 (or else the polynomial would be quadratic and not ...
