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141 - 150 of 554 for Brents MethodSearch Results
The Ablowitz-Ramani-Segur conjecture states that a nonlinear partial differential equation is solvable by the inverse scattering method only if every nonlinear ordinary ...
Wallis's constant is the real solution (x^3-2x-5)_1=2.0945514815... (OEIS A007493) to the cubic equation x^3-2x-5=0. It was solved by Wallis to illustrate Newton's method for ...
An algorithm which finds a polynomial recurrence for terminating hypergeometric identities of the form sum_(k)(n; ...
Ellipsoidal calculus is a method for solving problems in control and estimation theory having unknown but bounded errors in terms of sets of approximating ellipsoidal-value ...
A method for testing nested hypotheses. To apply the procedure, given a specific model, calculate the likelihood of observing the actual data. Then compare this likelihood to ...
Model completion is a term employed when existential closure is successful. The formation of the complex numbers, and the move from affine to projective geometry, are ...
A method of solving combinatorial problems by means of an algorithm which is allowed to run forward until a dead end is reached, at which point previous steps are retraced ...
Regge calculus is a finite element method utilized in numerical relativity in attempts of describing spacetimes with few or no symmetries by way of producing numerical ...
Stochastic optimization refers to the minimization (or maximization) of a function in the presence of randomness in the optimization process. The randomness may be present as ...
The term "higher dimensional group theory" was introduced by Brown (1982), and refers to a method for obtaining new homotopical information by generalizing to higher ...
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