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A variation of the method of false position for finding roots which fits the function in question with an exponential.
A method for constructing magic squares of odd order, also called the Siamese method.
The simplex method is a method for solving problems in linear programming. This method, invented by George Dantzig in 1947, tests adjacent vertices of the feasible set (which ...
The Jacobi method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has no zeros along its main diagonal (Bronshtein and Semendyayev 1997, p. 892). Each diagonal ...
The circle method is a method employed by Hardy, Ramanujan, and Littlewood to solve many asymptotic problems in additive number theory, particularly in deriving an asymptotic ...
The method for solving the Goursat problem and Cauchy problem for linear hyperbolic partial differential equations using a Riemann function.
A root-finding algorithm which assumes a function to be approximately linear in the region of interest. Each improvement is taken as the point where the approximating line ...
The conjugate gradient method can be viewed as a special variant of the Lanczos method for positive definite symmetric systems. The minimal residual method and symmetric LQ ...
The conjugate gradient method can be viewed as a special variant of the Lanczos method for positive definite symmetric systems. The minimal residual method (MINRES) and ...
Stationary iterative methods are methods for solving a linear system of equations Ax=b, where A is a given matrix and b is a given vector. Stationary iterative methods can be ...
