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Ramsey's theorem is a generalization of Dilworth's lemma which states for each pair of positive integers k and l there exists an integer R(k,l) (known as the Ramsey number) ...
The Robbins constant is the mean line segment length, i.e., the expected distance between two points chosen at random in cube line picking, namely Delta(3) = (1) = (2) = ...
The gear curve is a curve resembling a gear with n teeth given by the parametric equations x = rcost (1) y = rsint, (2) where r=a+1/btanh[bsin(nt)], (3) where tanhx is the ...
The term "ice fractal" refers to a fractal (square, triangle, etc.) that is based on a simple generating motif. The above plots show the ice triangle, antitriangle, square, ...
A fractal based on iterating the map F(x)=ax+(2(1-a)x^2)/(1+x^2) (1) according to x_(n+1) = by_n+F(x_n) (2) x_(y+1) = -x_n+F(x_(n+1)). (3) The plots above show 10^4 ...
For some range of r, the Mandelbrot set lemniscate L_3 in the iteration towards the Mandelbrot set is a pear-shaped curve. In Cartesian coordinates with a constant r, the ...
A curve obtained by fitting polynomials to each ordinate of an ordered sequence of points. The above plots show polynomial curves where the order of the fitting polynomial ...
The plane curve given by the equation axy = (a+x)(a-x)(2a-x) (1) = x^3-2ax^2-a^2x+2a^3, (2) which, solving for y, gives y=((a+x)(a-x)(2a-x))/(ax). (3) The plots above are for ...
An algorithm originally described by Barnsley in 1988. Pick a point at random inside a regular n-gon. Then draw the next point a fraction r of the distance between it and a ...
The average distance between two points chosen at random inside a unit cube (the n=3 case of hypercube line picking), sometimes known as the Robbins constant, is Delta(3) = ...
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