
Search Results for "Book Graph"

951 - 960 of 13135 for Book GraphSearch Results
A fundamental structural result in extremal graph theory due to Szemerédi (1978). The regularity lemma essentially says that every graph can be well-approximated by the union ...
The vertex connectivity kappa(G) of a graph G, also called "point connectivity" or simply "connectivity," is the minimum size of a vertex cut, i.e., a vertex subset S subset= ...
Given a complete graph K_n which is two-colored, the number of forced monochromatic triangles is at least {1/3u(u-1)(u-2) for n=2u; 2/3u(u-1)(4u+1) for n=4u+1; ...
There are a number of hypotraceable and hypohamiltonian graphs associated with Carsten Thomassen. These graphs, illustrated above, are implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
In general, a topological index, sometimes also known as a graph-theoretic index, is a numerical invariant of a chemical graph (Plavšić et al. 1993). Particular topological ...
A directed graph is called an arborescence if, from a given node x known as the root vertex, there is exactly one elementary path from x to every other node y.
The cotree T^* of a spanning tree T in a connected graph G is the spacing subgraph of G containing exactly those edges of G which are not in T (Harary 1994, p. 39).
The maximum degree, sometimes simply called the maximum degree, of a graph G is the largest vertex degree of G, denoted Delta.
The mean clustering coefficient of a graph G is the average of the local clustering coefficients of G. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
Let a cotree of a spanning tree T in a connected graph G be denoted T^*. Then the edges of G which are not in T^* are called its twigs (Harary 1994, p. 39).
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