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The Cox configuration is a (2^(d-1))_d configuration whose Levi graph is the d-hypercube graph.
The Hamiltonian number h(n) of a connected graph G is the length of a Hamiltonian walk G. In other words, it is the minimum length of a closed spanning walk in the graph. For ...
A special graph vertex that is designated to turn a tree into a rooted tree or a graph into a rooted graph. The root is sometimes also called "eve," or an "endpoint" (Saaty ...
The circuit rank gamma, also denoted mu (Volkmann 1996, Babić et al. 2002) or beta (White 2001, p. 56) and known as the cycle rank (e.g., White 2001, p. 56), (first) graph ...
Consider a finite collection of points p=(p_1,...,p_n), p_i in R^d Euclidean space (known as a configuration) and a graph G whose graph vertices correspond to pairs of points ...
Let G be a graph and S a subgraph of G. Let the number of odd components in G-S be denoted S^', and |S| the number of graph vertices of S. The condition |S|>=S^' for every ...
The toroidal crossing number cr_(1)(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of crossings with which G can be drawn on a torus. A planar graph has toroidal crossing number 0, ...
Two graphs which contain the same number of graph vertices connected in the same way are said to be isomorphic. Formally, two graphs G and H with graph vertices ...
The Petersen family of graphs, not to be confused with generalized Petersen graphs, are a set of seven graphs obtained from the Petersen graph (or complete graph K_6) by del ...
The arc set of a directed graph is the set of all arcs (directed edges) of the graph. The arc set for a directed graph g is given in the Wolfram Language by EdgeList[g].
