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The edge connectivity, also called the line connectivity, of a graph is the minimum number of edges lambda(G) whose deletion from a graph G disconnects G. In other words, it ...
Let G be a k-regular graph with girth 5 and graph diameter 2. (Such a graph is a Moore graph). Then, k=2, 3, 7, or 57. A proof of this theorem is difficult (Hoffman and ...
The detour index omega(G) of a graph G is a graph invariant defined as half the sum of all off-diagonal matrix elements of the detour matrix of G. Unless otherwise stated, ...
The maximum leaf number l(G) of a graph G is the largest number of tree leaves in any of its spanning trees. (The corresponding smallest number of leaves is known as the ...
The eigenvector corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue (i.e., the algebraic connectivity) of the Laplacian matrix of a graph G. The Fiedler vector is used in ...
An xyz embedding, also called an "xyz drawing," is a three-dimensional embedding such that every axis-parallel line contains either zero or two vertices. Such an embedding is ...
A straight line embedding, or "straight line drawing," of a graph is a graph embedding in which all edges are drawn as straight line segments (as opposed to curves, etc.).
The algebraic connectivity of a graph is the numerically second smallest eigenvalue (counting multiple eigenvalues separately) of the Laplacian matrix of a graph G. In other ...
Grinberg constructed a number of small cubic polyhedral graph that are counterexamples to Tait's Hamiltonian graph conjecture (i.e., that every 3-connected cubic graph is ...
The (upper) clique number of a graph G, denoted omega(G), is the number of vertices in a maximum clique of G. Equivalently, it is the size of a largest clique or maximal ...
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