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A (v,g)-cage graph is a v-regular graph of girth g having the minimum possible number of nodes. When v is not explicitly stated, the term "g-cage" generally refers to a ...
A graph corresponding to the skeleton of one of the Archimedean solids. There are 13 Archimedean graphs, all of which are regular, planar, polyhedral, and Hamiltonian. The ...
The (connected) caveman graph is a graph arising in social network theory formed by modifying a set of isolated k-cliques (or "caves") by removing one edge from each clique ...
A polyhedral nonhamiltonian graph is a graph that is simultaneously polyhedral and nonhamiltonian. The smallest possible number of vertices a nonhamiltonian polyhedral graph ...
The Hoffman-Singleton graph is the graph on 50 nodes and 175 edges that is the only regular graph of vertex degree 7, diameter 2, and girth 5. It is the unique (7,5)-cage ...
A graph G is hypohamiltonian if G is nonhamiltonian, but G-v is Hamiltonian for every v in V (Bondy and Murty 1976, p. 61). The Petersen graph, which has ten nodes, is the ...
There are several definitions of the strength of a graph. Harary and Palmer (1959) and Harary and Palmer (1973, p. 66) define the strength of a tree as the maximum number of ...
A maximally nonhamiltonian graph is a nonhamiltonian graph G for which G+e is Hamiltonian for each edge e in the graph complement of G^_, i.e., every two nonadjacent vertices ...
The truncated Witt graph is the graph on 506 vertices related to a 4-(23,8,4) design (Brouwer et al. 1989, p. 367). It is called the M_(23) graph by van Dam and Haemers ...
The tritetrahedral graph is the skeleton of the tritetrahedron, a concave polyhedron formed by joining three regular tetrahedra at their faces. The Nechushtan graph, a ...
