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An n-Hadamard graph is a graph on 4n vertices defined in terms of a Hadamard matrix H_n=(h)_(ij) as follows. Define 4n symbols r_i^+, r_i^-, c_i^+, and c_i^-, where r stands ...
An antiprism graph is a graph corresponding to the skeleton of an antiprism. Antiprism graphs are therefore polyhedral and planar. The n-antiprism graph has 2n vertices and ...
The Dejter graph is a weakly regular graph on 112 vertices and 336 edges with regular paremeters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(112,6,0,(0,1,2)). It can be obtained by deleting a copy of ...
A vertex-transitive graph, also sometimes called a node symmetric graph (Chiang and Chen 1995), is a graph such that every pair of vertices is equivalent under some element ...
A block graph, also called a clique tree, is a simple graph in which every block is a complete graph. The numbers of connected block graphs on n=1, 2, ... vertices are 1, 1, ...
A graph is planar if it can be drawn in a plane without graph edges crossing (i.e., it has graph crossing number 0). The number of planar graphs with n=1, 2, ... nodes are 1, ...
The m×n king graph is a graph with mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m×n chessboard, and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a king. The number ...
The Pell graph Pi_n is the graph defined as follows. Consider n-tuples of (0,1,2) such that maximal blocks of an odd number of 2's are forbidden. Take these as the vertices ...
The Koolen-Riebeek graph is a weakly regular graph on 486 vertices with parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(486,45,0,(0,9)). It is distance-regular but not distance-transitive with ...
The Schläfli double sixes graph is the Levi graph of the double sixes configuration.
