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In any tree, the number of dissimilar points minus the number of dissimilar lines plus the number of symmetry lines equals 1.
If G^' is a subgraph of G, then G is said to be a supergraph of G^'.
A ternary tree is a tree-like structure that is rooted and in which each vertex has at most three children.
A sequence of moves (i.e., a path) on a chessboard by a chess piece in which each square of a chessboard is visited exactly once.
A tree having an infinite number of branches and whose nodes are sequences generated by a set of rules.
The de Grey-Haugstrup graphs are two 6-chromatic graphs on 47 and 48 vertices that are unit-distance in 3 dimensions (de Grey and Haugstrup 2020).
The number of empty neighbors of a cluster.
A sum over all cluster perimeters.
Let O be an incidence geometry, i.e., a set with a symmetric, reflexive binary relation I. Let e and f be elements of O. Let an incidence plane be an incidence geometry whose ...
A tree with its nodes labeled. The number of labeled trees on n nodes is n^(n-2), the first few values of which are 1, 1, 3, 16, 125, 1296, ... (OEIS A000272). Cayley (1889) ...
