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A random number is a number chosen as if by chance from some specified distribution such that selection of a large set of these numbers reproduces the underlying ...
Riemann defined the function f(x) by f(x) = sum_(p^(nu)<=x; p prime)1/nu (1) = sum_(n=1)^(|_lgx_|)(pi(x^(1/n)))/n (2) = pi(x)+1/2pi(x^(1/2))+1/3pi(x^(1/3))+... (3) (Hardy ...
There exist infinitely many odd integers k such that k·2^n-1 is composite for every n>=1. Numbers k with this property are called Riesel numbers, while analogous numbers with ...
A right triangle is triangle with an angle of 90 degrees (pi/2 radians). The sides a, b, and c of such a triangle satisfy the Pythagorean theorem a^2+b^2=c^2, (1) where the ...
A series is an infinite ordered set of terms combined together by the addition operator. The term "infinite series" is sometimes used to emphasize the fact that series ...
A Sierpiński number of the second kind is a number k satisfying Sierpiński's composite number theorem, i.e., a Proth number k such that k·2^n+1 is composite for every n>=1. ...
The signed Stirling numbers of the first kind are variously denoted s(n,m) (Riordan 1980, Roman 1984), S_n^((m)) (Fort 1948, Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), S_n^m (Jordan 1950). ...
The number of ways of partitioning a set of n elements into m nonempty sets (i.e., m set blocks), also called a Stirling set number. For example, the set {1,2,3} can be ...
In general, a tetrahedron is a polyhedron with four sides. If all faces are congruent, the tetrahedron is known as an isosceles tetrahedron. If all faces are congruent to an ...
An (ordinary) torus is a surface having genus one, and therefore possessing a single "hole" (left figure). The single-holed "ring" torus is known in older literature as an ...
