
Search Results for "Book Graph"

1241 - 1250 of 13135 for Book GraphSearch Results
The 120-cell is a finite regular four-dimensional polytope with Schläfli symbol {5,3,3}. It is also known as the hyperdodecahedron or hecatonicosachoron, and is composed of ...
A topological space decomposes into its connected components. The connectedness relation between two pairs of points satisfies transitivity, i.e., if a∼b and b∼c then a∼c. ...
The sum over all external (square) nodes of the lengths of the paths from the root of an extended binary tree to each node. For example, in the tree above, the external path ...
The sum I over all internal (circular) nodes of the paths from the root of an extended binary tree to each node. For example, in the tree above, the internal path length is ...
One would think that by analogy with the matching-generating polynomial, independence polynomial, etc., a path polynomial whose coefficients are the numbers of paths of ...
There are (at least) two graphs associated with Ellingham and Horton. These graphs on 54 and 78 nodes respectively, illustrated above, are examples of 3-connected bicubic ...
The following table gives the number of nonadjacent vertex pairs k on graphs of n=1, 2, ... vertices. k counts 1 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ... 2 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, ... 3 0, 0, ...
Riddell's formula for unlabeled graphs is the Euler transform relating the number of unlabeled connected graphs on n nodes satisfying some property with the corresponding ...
The Soicher graphs are three distance-regular graphs on 5346, 486, and 315 vertices, respectively. The first two are also distance-transitive but the third is not. The second ...
A cubic map is three-colorable iff each interior region is bounded by an even number of regions. A non-cubic map bounded by an even number of regions is not necessarily ...
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