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A vertex is a special point of a mathematical object, and is usually a location where two or more lines or edges meet. Vertices are most commonly encountered in angles, ...
A maximal independent set is an independent set which is a maximal set, i.e., an independent set that is not a subset of any other independent set. The generic term "maximal ...
A combinatorial conjecture formulated by Kneser (1955). It states that whenever the n-subsets of a (2n+k)-set are divided into k+1 classes, then two disjoint subsets end up ...
A 2-dimensional discrete percolation model is said to be mixed if both graph vertices and graph edges may be "blocked" from allowing fluid flow (i.e., closed in the sense of ...
The Hadwiger-Nelson problem asks for the chromatic number of the plane, i.e., the minimum number of colors needed to color the plane if no two points at unit distance one ...
The middle levels conjecture, also known as revolving door conjecture, posits that the middle layer graph has a Hamilton cycle for every n>=1. The conjecture was proved by ...
The term "loop" has a number of meanings in mathematics. Most simply, a loop is a closed curve whose initial and final points coincide in a fixed point p known as the ...
A 24-dimensional Euclidean lattice. An automorphism of the Leech lattice modulo a center of two leads to the Conway group Co_1. Stabilization of the one- and two-dimensional ...
A minimal dominating set is a dominating set in a graph that is not a proper subset of any other dominating set. Every minimum dominating set is a minimal dominating set, but ...
A strongly connected digraph is a directed graph in which it is possible to reach any node starting from any other node by traversing edges in the direction(s) in which they ...
