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The nth root of the denominator B_n of the nth convergent A_n/B_n of a number x tends to a constant lim_(n->infty)B_n^(1/n) = e^beta (1) = e^(pi^2/(12ln2)) (2) = 3.275823... ...
The Monty Hall problem is named for its similarity to the Let's Make a Deal television game show hosted by Monty Hall. The problem is stated as follows. Assume that a room is ...
An algorithm which can be used to find integer relations between real numbers x_1, ..., x_n such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=0, with not all a_i=0. Although the algorithm ...
pi may be computed using a number of iterative algorithms. The best known such algorithms are the Archimedes algorithm, which was derived by Pfaff in 1800, and the ...
A projective module generalizes the concept of the free module. A module M over a nonzero unit ring R is projective iff it is a direct summand of a free module, i.e., of some ...
Find two distinct sets of integers {a_1,...,a_n} and {b_1,...,b_n}, such that for k=1, ..., m, sum_(i=1)^na_i^k=sum_(i=1)^nb_i^k. (1) The Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem is ...
An algorithm for making tables of primes. Sequentially write down the integers from 2 to the highest number n you wish to include in the table. Cross out all numbers >2 which ...
The small rhombicuboctahedral graph is a quartic graph on 24 nodes and 48 edges that corresponds to the skeleton of the small rhombicuboctahedron. It has graph diameter 5, ...
Somos's quadratic recurrence constant is defined via the sequence g_n=ng_(n-1)^2 (1) with g_0=1. This has closed-form solution ...
Sphere tetrahedron picking is the selection of quadruples of of points corresponding to vertices of a tetrahedron with vertices on the surface of a sphere. n random ...
