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Let p run over all distinct primitive ordered periodic geodesics, and let tau(p) denote the positive length of p, then the Selberg zeta function is defined as ...
The shah function is defined by m(x) = sum_(n=-infty)^(infty)delta(x-n) (1) = sum_(n=-infty)^(infty)delta(x+n), (2) where delta(x) is the delta function, so m(x)=0 for x not ...
The slant height of an object (such as a frustum, or pyramid) is the distance measured along a lateral face from the base to the apex along the "center" of the face. In other ...
A spatial-temporal point process is a point process which models data that is localized at a discrete set of locations in both space and time. In particular, a ...
X is a spherical t-design in E iff it is possible to exactly determine the average value on E of any polynomial f of degree at most t by sampling f at the points of X. In ...
A sequence of approximations a/b to sqrt(n) can be derived by factoring a^2-nb^2=+/-1 (1) (where -1 is possible only if -1 is a quadratic residue of n). Then ...
There are a number of interesting results related to the tiling of squares. For example, M. Laczkovich has shown that there are exactly three shapes of non-right triangles ...
The stacked book graph of order (m,n) is defined as the graph Cartesian product S_(m+1) square P_n, where S_m is a star graph and P_n is the path graph on n nodes. It is ...
A strong pseudo-Riemannian metric on a smooth manifold M is a (0,2) tensor field g which is symmetric and for which, at each m in M, the map v_m|->g_m(v_m,·) is an ...
A brute-force method of finding a divisor of an integer n by simply plugging in one or a set of integers and seeing if they divide n. Repeated application of trial division ...
