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581 - 590 of 3541 for Beta FunctionSearch Results
The Werner formulas are the trigonometric product formulas 2sinalphacosbeta = sin(alpha-beta)+sin(alpha+beta) (1) 2cosalphacosbeta = cos(alpha-beta)+cos(alpha+beta) (2) ...
For any real alpha and beta such that beta>alpha, let p(alpha)!=0 and p(beta)!=0 be real polynomials of degree n, and v(x) denote the number of sign changes in the sequence ...
A function f is Carathéodory differentiable at a if there exists a function phi which is continuous at a such that f(x)-f(a)=phi(x)(x-a). Every function which is Carathéodory ...
A minimal free resolution of a finitely generated graded module M over a commutative Noetherian Z-graded ring R in which all maps are homogeneous module homomorphisms, i.e., ...
Let n be a positive number having primitive roots. If g is a primitive root of n, then the numbers 1, g, g^2, ..., g^(phi(n)-1) form a reduced residue system modulo n, where ...
The homomorphism S which, according to the snake lemma, permits construction of an exact sequence (1) from the above commutative diagram with exact rows. The homomorphism S ...
The Johnson circumconic, a term used here for the first time, is the circumconic that passes through the vertices of both the reference triangle and the Johnson triangle. It ...
Skewness is a measure of the degree of asymmetry of a distribution. If the left tail (tail at small end of the distribution) is more pronounced than the right tail (tail at ...
An even Mathieu function ce_r(z,q) with characteristic value a_r.
A mathematical relationship transforming a function f(x) to the form f(x+a).
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