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Let s=1/(sqrt(2pi))[Gamma(1/4)]^2=5.2441151086... (1) (OEIS A064853) be the arc length of a lemniscate with a=1. Then the lemniscate constant is the quantity L = 1/2s (2) = ...
Mills' theorem states that there exists a real constant A such that |_A^(3^n)_| is prime for all positive integers n (Mills 1947). While for each value of c>=2.106, there are ...
The term "parameter" is used in a number of ways in mathematics. In general, mathematical functions may have a number of arguments. Arguments that are typically varied when ...
One of the symbols ( or ) used to denote grouping. Parentheses have a great many specialized meanings in mathematics. A few of these are described below. 1. Parentheses are ...
The Paris-Harrington theorem is a strengthening of the finite Ramsey's theorem by requiring that the homogeneous set be large enough so that cardH>=minH. Clearly, the ...
The parity of an integer is its attribute of being even or odd. Thus, it can be said that 6 and 14 have the same parity (since both are even), whereas 7 and 12 have opposite ...
product_(k=1)^(infty)(1-x^k) = sum_(k=-infty)^(infty)(-1)^kx^(k(3k+1)/2) (1) = 1+sum_(k=1)^(infty)(-1)^k[x^(k(3k-1)/2)+x^(k(3k+1)/2)] (2) = (x)_infty (3) = ...
A perfect power is a number n of the form m^k, where m>1 is a positive integer and k>=2. If the prime factorization of n is n=p_1^(a_1)p_2^(a_2)...p_k^(a_k), then n is a ...
A pi-prime is a prime number appearing in the decimal expansion of pi. The known examples are 3, 31, 314159, 31415926535897932384626433832795028841, ... (OEIS A005042). The ...
The sequence {|_(3/2)^n_|} is given by 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, 25, 38, ... (OEIS A002379). The first few composite |_(3/2)^n_| occur for n=8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, ...
