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3161 - 3170 of 3359 for Bessel FunctionSearch Results

Exterior algebra is the algebra of the wedge product, also called an alternating algebra or Grassmann algebra. The study of exterior algebra is also called Ausdehnungslehre ...
Faà di Bruno's formula gives an explicit equation for the nth derivative of the composition f(g(t)). If f(t) and g(t) are functions for which all necessary derivatives are ...
The Fano plane is the configuration consisting of the two-dimensional finite projective plane over GF(2) ("of order two"), illustrated above. It is a block design with nu=7, ...
A figurate number, also (but mostly in texts from the 1500 and 1600s) known as a figural number (Simpson and Weiner 1992, p. 587), is a number that can be represented by a ...
The envelope of the plane lx+my+nz=c, (1) where c is the speed of propagation of a wave in the direction (l,m,n) (i.e., l, m, and n are the direction cosines) is known as the ...
A fusene is a simple planar 2-connected graph embedded in the plane with all vertices of degree 2 or 3, all bounded faces (not necessarily regular) hexagons, and all vertices ...
Turing machines are defined by sets of rules that operate on four parameters: (state, tape cell color, operation, state). Let the states and tape cell colors be numbered and ...
Graham's biggest little hexagon is the largest possible (not necessarily regular) convex hexagon with polygon diameter 1 (i.e., for which no two of the vertices are more than ...
There are several definitions of the strength of a graph. Harary and Palmer (1959) and Harary and Palmer (1973, p. 66) define the strength of a tree as the maximum number of ...
A great circle is a section of a sphere that contains a diameter of the sphere (Kern and Bland 1948, p. 87). Sections of the sphere that do not contain a diameter are called ...
