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2081 - 2090 of 3359 for Bessel FunctionSearch Results

A square number, also called a perfect square, is a figurate number of the form S_n=n^2, where n is an integer. The square numbers for n=0, 1, ... are 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, ...
The Euler-Mascheroni constant gamma, sometimes also called 'Euler's constant' or 'the Euler constant' (but not to be confused with the constant e=2.718281...) is defined as ...
Half-angle formulas and formulas expressing trigonometric functions of an angle x/2 in terms of functions of an angle x. For real x, sin(1/2x) = ...
The characteristic function f(n)={1 n is prime; 0 n otherwise (1) of primes has values 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, ... (OEIS A010051) for n=1, 2, ...
Vardi's integral is the beautiful definite integral int_(pi/4)^(pi/2)lnlntanxdx = pi/2ln[sqrt(2pi)(Gamma(3/4))/(Gamma(1/4))] (1) = pi/4ln[(4pi^3)/(Gamma^4(1/4))] (2) = ...
Apéry's constant is defined by zeta(3)=1.2020569..., (1) (OEIS A002117) where zeta(z) is the Riemann zeta function. B. Haible and T. Papanikolaou computed zeta(3) to 1000000 ...
A number n is k-multiperfect (also called a k-multiply perfect number or k-pluperfect number) if sigma(n)=kn for some integer k>2, where sigma(n) is the divisor function. The ...
A figurate number of the form P_n^((4))=1/6n(n+1)(2n+1), (1) corresponding to a configuration of points which form a square pyramid, is called a square pyramidal number (or ...
The stability index Z^_(G) of a graph G is defined by Z^_=sum_(k=0)^(|_n/2_|)|c_(2k)|, where c_k is the kth coefficient of the characteristic polynomial and |_n_| denotes the ...
The Wigner 3j-symbols (j_1 j_2 j_3; m_1 m_2 m_3), also known as "3j symbols" (Messiah 1962, p. 1056) or Wigner coefficients (Shore and Menzel 1968, p. 275) are quantities ...
