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The length is the longest dimension of an object.
The path of an object through phase space.
A.k.a. the pigeonhole principle. Given n boxes and m>n objects, at least one box must contain more than one object. This statement has important applications in number theory ...
An object is said to be self-similar if it looks "roughly" the same on any scale. Fractals are a particularly interesting class of self-similar objects. Self-similar objects ...
A sequence is an ordered set of mathematical objects. Sequences of object are most commonly denoted using braces. For example, the symbol {2n}_(n=1)^infty denotes the ...
A recursive process is one in which objects are defined in terms of other objects of the same type. Using some sort of recurrence relation, the entire class of objects can ...
In category theory, a tensor category (C, tensor ,I,a,r,l) consists of a category C, an object I of C, a functor tensor :C×C->C, and a natural isomorphism a = a_(UVW):(U ...
A natural transformation Phi_Y:B(AY)->Y is called unital if the leftmost diagram above commutes. Similarly, a natural transformation Psi_Y:Y->A(BY) is called unital if the ...
Abstractly, a spatial configuration F is said to possess rotational symmetry if F remains invariant under the group C=C(F). Here, C(F) denotes the group of rotations of F and ...
The vertical length of an object from top to bottom.
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