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341 - 350 of 1412 for Aperys ConstantSearch Results
Let f be analytic on a domain U subset= C, and assume that f never vanishes. Then if there is a point z_0 in U such that |f(z_0)|<=|f(z)| for all z in U, then f is constant. ...
A module M is Noetherian if it obeys the ascending chain condition with respect to inclusion, i.e., if every set of increasing sequences of submodules eventually becomes ...
A fractional integral of order 1/2. The semi-integral of t^lambda is given by D^(-1/2)t^lambda=(t^(lambda+1/2)Gamma(lambda+1))/(Gamma(lambda+3/2)), so the semi-integral of ...
A fractional derivative of order 1/2. The semiderivative of t^lambda is given by D^(1/2)t^lambda=(t^(lambda-1/2)Gamma(lambda+1))/(Gamma(lambda+1/2)), so the semiderivative of ...
Summation by parts for discrete variables is the equivalent of integration by parts for continuous variables Delta^(-1)[v(x)Deltau(x)]=u(x)v(x)-Delta^(-1)[Eu(x)Deltav(x)], ...
Given a sequence of real numbers a_n, the supremum limit (also called the limit superior or upper limit), written lim sup and pronounced 'lim-soup,' is the limit of ...
Let phi(z)=cz+c_0+c_1z^(-1)+c_2z^(-2)+... be an analytic function, regular and univalent for |z|>1, that maps |z|>1 conformally onto the region T preserving the point at ...
The quantities obtained from cubic, hexagonal, etc., lattice sums, evaluated at s=1, are called Madelung constants. For cubic lattice sums ...
In his monumental treatise Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, Gauss conjectured that the class number h(-d) of an imaginary quadratic field with binary quadratic form discriminant ...
Let n be an integer variable which tends to infinity and let x be a continuous variable tending to some limit. Also, let phi(n) or phi(x) be a positive function and f(n) or ...
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