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12531 - 12540 of 13135 for Analytic GeometrySearch Results
There are several different definitions of the barbell graph. Most commonly and in this work, the n-barbell graph is the simple graph obtained by connecting two copies of a ...
The Barnette-Bosák-Lederberg graph is a graph on 38 vertices which is the smallest known example of a planar 3-connected nonhamiltonian graph, i.e., the smallest known ...
The word "base" in mathematics is used to refer to a particular mathematical object that is used as a building block. The most common uses are the related concepts of the ...
There are two definitions of Bernoulli polynomials in use. The nth Bernoulli polynomial is denoted here by B_n(x) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), and the archaic form of the ...
Bertrand's postulate, also called the Bertrand-Chebyshev theorem or Chebyshev's theorem, states that if n>3, there is always at least one prime p between n and 2n-2. ...
The beta function B(p,q) is the name used by Legendre and Whittaker and Watson (1990) for the beta integral (also called the Eulerian integral of the first kind). It is ...
The conjugate gradient method is not suitable for nonsymmetric systems because the residual vectors cannot be made orthogonal with short recurrences, as proved in Voevodin ...
A bicubic nonhamiltonian graph is a bicubic (i.e., bipartite cubic graph) that is nonhamiltonian (i.e., that does not possess a Hamiltonian cycle). Tutte (1971) conjectured ...
The nth coefficient in the power series of a univalent function should be no greater than n. In other words, if f(z)=a_0+a_1z+a_2z^2+...+a_nz^n+... is a conformal mapping of ...
The binomial distribution gives the discrete probability distribution P_p(n|N) of obtaining exactly n successes out of N Bernoulli trials (where the result of each Bernoulli ...
