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10521 - 10530 of 13135 for Analytic GeometrySearch Results
A graph H is called a topological minor, also known as a homeomorphic subgraph, of a graph G if a graph subdivision of H is isomorphic to a subgraph of G. Every topological ...
A vector space with a T2-space topology such that the operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication are continuous. The interesting examples are ...
An example of a subspace of the Euclidean plane that is connected but not pathwise-connected with respect to the relative topology. It is formed by the ray y=0, x<=0 and the ...
A divergenceless field can be partitioned into a toroidal and a poloidal part. This separation is important in geo- and heliophysics, and in particular in dynamo theory and ...
Toroidal functions are a class of functions also called ring functions that appear in systems having toroidal symmetry. Toroidal functions can be expressed in terms of the ...
The function defined by (1) (Heatley 1943; Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 509), where _1F_1(a;b;z) is a confluent hypergeometric function of the first kind and Gamma(z) is ...
A torus with a hole that can eat another torus. The transformation is continuous, and so can be achieved by stretching only without tearing or making new holes in the tori.
There are at least two meanings of the term "total derivative" in mathematics. The first is as an alternate term for the convective derivative. The total derivative is the ...
For a graph G and a subset S^t of the vertex set V(G), denote by N_G^t[S^t] the set of vertices in G which are adjacent to a vertex in S^t. If N_G^t[S^t]=V(G), then S^t is ...
The total domination number gamma_t of a graph is the size of a smallest total dominating set, where a total dominating set is a set of vertices of the graph such that all ...
