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In affine three-space the Cayley surface is given by x_3=x_1x_2-1/3x_1^3 (1) (Nomizu and Sasaki 1994). The surface has been generalized by Eastwood and Ezhov (2000) to ...
Kakutani's fixed point theorem is a result in functional analysis which establishes the existence of a common fixed point among a collection of maps defined on certain ...
A linear algebraic group is a matrix group that is also an affine variety. In particular, its elements satisfy polynomial equations. The group operations are required to be ...
A collection of subsets of a topological space that is contained in a basis of the topology and can be completed to a basis when adding all finite intersections of the ...
The Grassmannian Gr(n,k) is the set of k-dimensional subspaces in an n-dimensional vector space. For example, the set of lines Gr(n+1,1) is projective space. The real ...
An orthogonal projection of a cross onto a three-dimensional subspace. It is said to be normalized if the cross vectors are all of unit length.
Given a subspace A of a space X and a map from A to a space Y, is it possible to extend that map to a map from X to Y?
Two subspaces S_1 and S_2 of R^n are said to be orthogonal if the dot product v_1·v_2=0 for all vectors v_1 in S_1 and all v_2 in S_2.
A C^infty (infinitely differentiable) manifold is said to be a submanifold of a C^infty manifold M^' if M is a subset of M^' and the identity map of M into M^' is an ...
The notion of parallel transport on a manifold M makes precise the idea of translating a vector field V along a differentiable curve to attain a new vector field V^' which is ...
