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A subspace A of X is called a retract of X if there is a continuous map f:X->X (called a retraction) such that for all x in X and all a in A, 1. f(x) in A, and 2. f(a)=a. ...
A retraction is a continuous map of a space onto a subspace leaving each point of the subspace fixed. Alternatively, retraction can refer to withdrawal of a paper containing ...
The Cartesian product of a countable infinity of copies of the interval [0,1]. It can be denoted [0,1]^(aleph_0) or [0,1]^omega, where aleph_0 and omega are the first ...
The orthogonal decomposition of a vector y in R^n is the sum of a vector in a subspace W of R^n and a vector in the orthogonal complement W^_|_ to W. The orthogonal ...
Suppose that V={(x_1,x_2,x_3)} and W={(x_1,0,0)}. Then the quotient space V/W (read as "V mod W") is isomorphic to {(x_2,x_3)}=R^2. In general, when W is a subspace of a ...
If W is a k-dimensional subspace of a vector space V with inner product <,>, then it is possible to project vectors from V to W. The most familiar projection is when W is the ...
Expansion is an affine transformation (sometimes called an enlargement or dilation) in which the scale is increased. It is the opposite of a geometric contraction, and is ...
A finite geometry is a geometry with a finite number of points. When confined to a plane, all finite geometries are either projective plane geometries (with no parallel ...
A local-ringed space which is locally isomorphic to an affine scheme.
An algebraic variety is a generalization to n dimensions of algebraic curves. More technically, an algebraic variety is a reduced scheme of finite type over a field K. An ...
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