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The Heine-Borel theorem states that a subspace of R^n (with the usual topology) is compact iff it is closed and bounded. The Heine-Borel theorem can be proved using the ...
A property that passes from a topological space to every subspace with respect to the relative topology. Examples are first and second countability, metrizability, the ...
There are at least two distinct (though related) notions of the term Hilbert algebra in functional analysis. In some literature, a linear manifold A of a (not necessarily ...
The Lebesgue covering dimension is an important dimension and one of the first dimensions investigated. It is defined in terms of covering sets, and is therefore also called ...
Let A be an involutive algebra over the field C of complex numbers with involution xi|->xi^♯. Then A is a left Hilbert algebra if A has an inner product <·,·> satisfying: 1. ...
The commutator series of a Lie algebra g, sometimes called the derived series, is the sequence of subalgebras recursively defined by g^(k+1)=[g^k,g^k], (1) with g^0=g. The ...
The lower central series of a Lie algebra g is the sequence of subalgebras recursively defined by g_(k+1)=[g,g_k], (1) with g_0=g. The sequence of subspaces is always ...
Consider a collection of diagonal matrices H_1,...,H_k, which span a subspace h. Then the ith eigenvalue, i.e., the ith entry along the diagonal, is a linear functional on h, ...
A linear system of equations is a set of n linear equations in k variables (sometimes called "unknowns"). Linear systems can be represented in matrix form as the matrix ...
Let V=R^k be a k-dimensional vector space over R, let S subset V, and let W={w in V:w·n^^=0} be a subspace of V of dimension k-1, where n^^ is a unit normal vector of W. Then ...
