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1281 - 1290 of 3358 for Ackermann FunctionSearch Results
Universal algebra studies common properties of all algebraic structures, including groups, rings, fields, lattices, etc. A universal algebra is a pair A=(A,(f_i^A)_(i in I)), ...
Let f be a real-valued function defined on an interval [a,b] and let x_0 in (a,b). The four one-sided limits D^+f(x_0)=lim sup_(x->x_0+)(f(x)-f(x_0))/(x-x_0), (1) ...
The appearance of nontrivial zeros (i.e., those along the critical strip with R[z]=1/2) of the Riemann zeta function zeta(z) very close together. An example is the pair of ...
Li's criterion states that the Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to the statement that, for lambda_n=1/((n-1)!)(d^n)/(ds^n)[s^(n-1)lnxi(s)]|_(s=1), (1) where xi(s) is the ...
Let f(z) be a transcendental meromorphic function, and let D_1, D_2, ..., D_5 be five simply connected domains in C with disjoint closures (Ahlfors 1932). Then there exists j ...
A confidence interval is an interval in which a measurement or trial falls corresponding to a given probability. Usually, the confidence interval of interest is symmetrically ...
An epsilon-delta definition is a mathematical definition in which a statement on a real function of one variable f having, for example, the form "for all neighborhoods U of ...
In real and functional analysis, equicontinuity is a concept which extends the notion of uniform continuity from a single function to collection of functions. Given ...
Given a finitely generated Z-graded module M over a graded ring R (finitely generated over R_0, which is an Artinian local ring), define the Hilbert function of M as the map ...
A linear ordinary differential equation of order n is said to be homogeneous if it is of the form a_n(x)y^((n))+a_(n-1)(x)y^((n-1))+...+a_1(x)y^'+a_0(x)y=0, (1) where ...