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1791 - 1800 of 2037 for Abstract Vector SpaceSearch Results
Consider the local behavior of a map f:R^m->R^n by choosing a point x in R^m and an open neighborhood U subset R^m such that x in U. Now consider the set of all mappings ...
A maximal ideal of a ring R is an ideal I, not equal to R, such that there are no ideals "in between" I and R. In other words, if J is an ideal which contains I as a subset, ...
A function f:X->R is measurable if, for every real number a, the set {x in X:f(x)>a} is measurable. When X=R with Lebesgue measure, or more generally any Borel measure, then ...
1. Find a complete system of invariants, or 2. Decide when two metrics differ only by a coordinate transformation. The most common statement of the problem is, "Given metrics ...
A second-order partial differential equation of the form Hr+2Ks+Lt+M+N(rt-s^2)=0, (1) where H, K, L, M, and N are functions of x, y, z, p, and q, and r, s, t, p, and q are ...
A Münchhausen number (sometimes spelled Münchausen number, with a single 'h') is a number equal to the sum of its digits raised to each digit's power. Münchhausen numbers ...
Let A be a non-unital C^*-algebra. There is a unique (up to isomorphism) unital C^*-algebra which contains A as an essential ideal and is maximal in the sense that any other ...
The Nechushtan graph, illustrated above, is a 10-vertex 5-chromatic graph that is unit-distance in 3 dimensions. It was used by Nechushtan (2002) in the construction of of a ...
A mapping of random number triples to points in spherical coordinates according to theta = 2piX_n (1) phi = piX_(n+1) (2) r = sqrt(X_(n+2)) (3) in order to detect unexpected ...
Several flavors of the open mapping theorem state: 1. A continuous surjective linear mapping between Banach spaces is an open map. 2. A nonconstant analytic function on a ...