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A ring without zero divisors in which an integer norm and an associated division algorithm (i.e., a Euclidean algorithm) can be defined. For signed integers, the usual norm ...
For any two integers a and b, suppose d|ab. Then if d is relatively prime to a, then d divides b. This results appeared in Euclid's Elements, Book VII, Proposition 30. This ...
A theorem sometimes called "Euclid's first theorem" or Euclid's principle states that if p is a prime and p|ab, then p|a or p|b (where | means divides). A corollary is that ...
The derivative (deltaL)/(deltaq)=(partialL)/(partialq)-d/(dt)((partialL)/(partialq^.)) appearing in the Euler-Lagrange differential equation.
The number of alternating permutations for n elements is sometimes called an Euler zigzag number. Denote the number of alternating permutations on n elements for which the ...
For signed distances on a line segment, AB^_·CD^_+AC^_·DB^_+AD^_·BC^_=0, since (b-a)(d-c)+(c-a)(b-d)+(d-a)(c-b)=0.
An event is a certain subset of a probability space. Events are therefore collections of outcomes on which probabilities have been assigned. Events are sometimes assumed to ...
For discrete problems in which no efficient solution method is known, it might be necessary to test each possibility sequentially in order to determine if it is the solution. ...
If at least one solution can be determined for a given problem, a solution to that problem is said to exist. Frequently, mathematicians seek to prove the existence of ...
Expansion is an affine transformation (sometimes called an enlargement or dilation) in which the scale is increased. It is the opposite of a geometric contraction, and is ...
