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Let F be the Maclaurin series of a meromorphic function f with a finite or infinite number of poles at points z_k, indexed so that 0<|z_1|<=|z_2|<=|z_3|<=..., then a pole ...
Consider the distribution of distances l between a point picked at random in the interior of a unit cube and on a face of the cube. The probability function, illustrated ...
The cubitruncated cuboctahedron (called the cubotruncated cuboctahedron by Wenninger 1971, p. 121) is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 16 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger ...
A coordinate system composed of intersecting surfaces. If the intersections are all at right angles, then the curvilinear coordinates are said to form an orthogonal ...
The cut elimination theorem, also called the "Hauptsatz" (Gentzen 1969), states that every sequent calculus derivation can be transformed into another derivation with the ...
The equation x^p=1, where solutions zeta_k=e^(2piik/p) are the roots of unity sometimes called de Moivre numbers. Gauss showed that the cyclotomic equation can be reduced to ...
A differential k-form omega of degree p in an exterior algebra ^ V is decomposable if there exist p one-forms alpha_i such that omega=alpha_1 ^ ... ^ alpha_p, (1) where alpha ...
A delay differential equation (also called a differential delay equation or difference-differential equation, although the latter term has a different meaning in the modern ...
A set is denumerable iff it is equipollent to the finite ordinal numbers. (Moore 1982, p. 6; Rubin 1967, p. 107; Suppes 1972, pp. 151-152). However, Ciesielski (1997, p. 64) ...
Also known as "Laplacian" determinant expansion by minors, expansion by minors is a technique for computing the determinant of a given square matrix M. Although efficient for ...
