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Regular expressions define formal languages as sets of strings over a finite alphabet. Let sigma denote a selected alphabet. Then emptyset is a regular expression that ...
A regular patch is a patch x:U->R^n for which the Jacobian J(x)(u,v) has rank 2 for all (u,v) in U. A patch is said to be regular at a point (u_0,v_0) in U provided that its ...
Let I_A, I_B, and I_C be the vertices of the inner Soddy triangle, and also let E_A, E_B, and E_C be the pairwise contact points of the three tangent circles. Then the lines ...
The semigroup algebra K[S], where K is a field and S a semigroup, is formally defined in the same way as the group algebra K[G]. Similarly, a semigroup ring R[S] is a ...
A topological space X is semilocally simply connected (also called semilocally 1-connected) if every point x in X has a neighborhood U such that any loop L:[0,1]->U with ...
A polyhedron or plane tessellation is called semiregular if its faces are all regular polygons and its corners are alike (Walsh 1972; Coxeter 1973, pp. 4 and 58; Holden 1991, ...
The Sendov conjecture, proposed by Blagovest Sendov circa 1958, that for a polynomial f(z)=(z-r_1)(z-r_2)...(z-r_n) with n>=2 and each root r_k located inside the closed unit ...
A Julia set with c=-0.390541-0.586788i. The fractal somewhat resembles the better known Mandelbrot set.
SNTP(n) is the smallest prime such that p#-1, p#, or p#+1 is divisible by n, where p# is the primorial of p. Ashbacher (1996) shows that SNTP(n) only exists 1. If there are ...
The perspectrix X of a pair of paralogic triangles DeltaA_1A_2A_3 and DeltaB_1B_2B_3 bisects the line joining the two orthocenters H_A and H_B (Johnson 1929, p. 259).
