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A group whose left Haar measure equals its right Haar measure.
A multiplicative character is called unitary if it has absolute value 1 everywhere.
Sociable numbers computed using the analog of the restricted divisor function s^*(n) in which only unitary divisors are included.
A property of individuals which is shared by every individual.
The point or points to which the extensions of parallel lines appear to converge in a perspective drawing.
The W-transform of a function f(x) is defined by the integral where Gamma[(beta_m)+s, 1-(alpha_n)-s; (alpha_p^(n+1))+s, 1-(beta_q^(m+1))-s] =Gamma[beta_1+s, ..., beta_m+s, ...
int_0^inftyJ_0(ax)cos(cx)dx={0 a<c; 1/(sqrt(a^2-c^2)) a>c (1) int_0^inftyJ_0(ax)sin(cx)dx={1/(sqrt(c^2-a^2)) a<c; 0 a>c, (2) where J_0(z) is a zeroth order Bessel function of ...
An Asian version of chess, sometimes also called Chinese Chess, that is currently played extensively in China, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and Hong Kong. The ...
The constant polynomial P(x)=0 whose coefficients are all equal to 0. The corresponding polynomial function is the constant function with value 0, also called the zero map. ...
Let F be the set of complex analytic functions f defined on an open region containing the set closure of the unit disk D={z:|z|<1} satisfying f(0)=0 and df/dz(0)=1. For each ...
