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A formula also known as the Legendre addition theorem which is derived by finding Green's functions for the spherical harmonic expansion and equating them to the generating ...
A stereohedron is a convex polyhedron that is isohedrally space-filling, meaning the symmetries of a tiling of copies of a stereohedron take any copy to any other copy. The ...
A superior highly composite number is a positive integer n for which there is an e>0 such that (d(n))/(n^e)>=(d(k))/(k^e) for all k>1, where the function d(n) counts the ...
The symmedial triangle DeltaK_AK_BK_C (a term coined here for the first time), is the triangle whose vertices are the intersection points of the symmedians with the reference ...
Place two solid spheres of radius 1/2 inside a hollow sphere of radius 1 so that the two smaller spheres touch each other at the center of the large sphere and are tangent to ...
Based on methods developer in collaboration with M. Leclert, Catalan (1865) computed the constant K=0.915965594177... (OEIS A006752) now known as Catalans' constant to 9 ...
Given an undirected graph, a degree sequence is a monotonic nonincreasing sequence of the vertex degrees (valencies) of its graph vertices. The number of degree sequences for ...
Let d_G(k) be the number of dominating sets of size k in a graph G, then the domination polynomial D_G(x) of G in the variable x is defined as ...
Let |A| denote the cardinal number of set A, then it follows immediately that |A union B|=|A|+|B|-|A intersection B|, (1) where union denotes union, and intersection denotes ...
In the technical combinatorial sense, an a-ary necklace of length n is a string of n characters, each of a possible types. Rotation is ignored, in the sense that b_1b_2...b_n ...
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