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The arithmetic-geometric index of a graph is defined as half the sum of the matrix elements of its arithmetic-geometric matrix.
Given a regular surface M, an asymptotic curve is formally defined as a curve x(t) on M such that the normal curvature is 0 in the direction x^'(t) for all t in the domain of ...
A check which can be used to verify correct computations in a table of grouped classes. For example, consider the following table with specified class limits and frequencies ...
A sphere with a single cross-cap. This term is more appropriate in purely topological applications than the more common term real projective plane, which implies the presence ...
The group C_2 is the unique group of group order 2. C_2 is both Abelian and cyclic. Examples include the point groups C_s, C_i, and C_2, the integers modulo 2 under addition ...
The disjoint union of two sets A and B is a binary operator that combines all distinct elements of a pair of given sets, while retaining the original set membership as a ...
The finite group T is one of the three non-Abelian groups of order 12 (out of a total of fives groups of order 12), the other two being the alternating group A_4 and the ...
A two-dimensional piecewise linear map defined by x_(n+1) = 1-y_n+|x_n| (1) y_(n+1) = x_n. (2) The map is chaotic in the filled region above and stable in the six hexagonal ...
The Hammer-Aitoff equal-area projection, also called the Hammer projection, is a map projection that is a modification of the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection. It ...
The second-order ordinary differential equation (d^2y)/(dx^2)+[theta_0+2sum_(n=1)^inftytheta_ncos(2nx)]y=0, (1) where theta_n are fixed constants. A general solution can be ...
