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A quantity which is either 0 (zero) or negative, i.e., <=0.
A pairing function is a function that reversibly maps Z^*×Z^* onto Z^*, where Z^*={0,1,2,...} denotes nonnegative integers. Pairing functions arise naturally in the ...
A quadratic surface given by the equation x^2+2rz=0.
"God is or He is not...Let us weigh the gain and the loss in choosing...'God is.' If you gain, you gain all, if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, unhesitatingly, that ...
A singular point such that every neighborhood of the point intersects itself. Pinch points are also called Whitney singularities or branch points.
The branch of formal logic, also called functional calculus, that deals with representing the logical connections between statements as well as the statements themselves.
If f(x) is a nonconstant integer polynomial and c is an integer such that f(c) is divisible by the prime p, that p is called a prime divisor of the polynomial f(x) (Nagell ...
The primitive part of a polynomial P(x) is P(x)/k, where k is the content. For a general univariate polynomial P(x), the Wolfram Language function FactorTermsList[poly, x] ...
An ideal I of a ring R is called principal if there is an element a of R such that I=aR={ar:r in R}. In other words, the ideal is generated by the element a. For example, the ...
A distance g on a set that fulfils the same properties as a metric except relaxes the definition to allow the distance between two different points to be zero. An example of ...
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