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A prime magic square is a magic square consisting only of prime numbers (although the number 1 is sometimes allowed in such squares). The left square is the 3×3 prime magic ...
The term quartoid is sometimes used to refer to a function on the form f(x,y)=((x^2+y^2)^2)/(a^3), i.e., a poweroid with alpha=4 (Jackway and Deriche 1996).
The Reeb foliation of the hypersphere S^3 is a foliation constructed as the union of two solid tori with common boundary.
An expression describing a form in which a quantity can be written. For example, all primes p>3 can be "represented as" 6n+/-1.
If the fourth moment mu_4!=0, then P(|x^_-mu_4|>=lambda)<=(mu_4+3(N-1)sigma^4)/(N^3lambda^4), where sigma^2 is the variance.
The third power point is the triangle center with triangle center function alpha_(32)=a^3. It is Kimberling center X_(32).
The 5.1.2 fifth-order Diophantine equation A^5=B^5+C^5 (1) is a special case of Fermat's last theorem with n=5, and so has no solution. improving on the results on Lander et ...
The function defined by chi_nu(z)=sum_(k=0)^infty(z^(2k+1))/((2k+1)^nu). (1) It is related to the polylogarithm by chi_nu(z) = 1/2[Li_nu(z)-Li_nu(-z)] (2) = ...
An alternating sign matrix is a matrix of 0s, 1s, and -1s in which the entries in each row or column sum to 1 and the nonzero entries in each row and column alternate in ...
The 9.1.2 equation A^9=B^9+C^9 (1) is a special case of Fermat's last theorem with n=9, and so has no solution. No 9.1.3, 9.1.4, 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, or 9.1.9 ...
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