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A root-finding algorithm which converges to a complex root from any starting position. To motivate the formula, consider an nth order polynomial and its derivatives, P_n(x) = ...
Arrange copies of the n digits 1, ..., n such that there is one digit between the 1s, two digits between the 2s, etc. For example, the unique (modulo reversal) n=3 solution ...
The Laplace-Carson transform F of a real-valued function f is an integral transform defined by the formula F(p)=pint_0^inftye^(-pt)f(t)dt. (1) In most cases, the function F ...
The Leibniz integral rule gives a formula for differentiation of a definite integral whose limits are functions of the differential variable, (1) It is sometimes known as ...
The Lucas central triangle (a term coined here for the first time) is the triangle DeltaL_AL_BL_C formed by the centers of the Lucas circles of a given reference triangle ...
Given a square complex or real matrix A, a matrix norm ||A|| is a nonnegative number associated with A having the properties 1. ||A||>0 when A!=0 and ||A||=0 iff A=0, 2. ...
A McNugget number is a positive integer that can be obtained by adding together orders of McDonald's® Chicken McNuggetsTM (prior to consuming any), which originally came in ...
Miller's rules, originally devised to restrict the number of icosahedron stellations to avoid, for example, the occurrence of models that appear identical but have different ...
L_nu(z) = (1/2z)^(nu+1)sum_(k=0)^(infty)((1/2z)^(2k))/(Gamma(k+3/2)Gamma(k+nu+3/2)) (1) = (2(1/2z)^nu)/(sqrt(pi)Gamma(nu+1/2))int_0^(pi/2)sinh(zcostheta)sin^(2nu)thetadtheta, ...
Let A be an involutive algebra over the field C of complex numbers with involution xi|->xi^♯. Then A is a modular Hilbert algebra if A has an inner product <··> and a ...
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