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If two algebraic plane curves with only ordinary singular points and cusps are related such that the coordinates of a point on either are rational functions of a ...
A polyhedral graph corresponding to the skeleton of a Platonic solid. The five platonic graphs, the tetrahedral graph, cubical graph, octahedral graph, dodecahedral graph, ...
A multiway system that generates causal networks which are all isomorphic as acyclic digraphs is said to exhibit causal invariance, and the causal network itself is also said ...
A random polygon is a polygon generated in some random way. Kendall conjectured that the shape of a random polygon is close to a disk as the area of the polygon becomes large ...
An analog of the polyominoes and polyiamonds in which collections of regular hexagons are arranged with adjacent sides. They are also called hexes, hexas, or polyfrobs ...
Consider two mutually tangent (externally) spheres A and B together with a larger sphere C inside which A and B are internally tangent. Then construct a chain of spheres each ...
Let z=re^(itheta)=x+iy be a complex number, then inequality |(zexp(sqrt(1-z^2)))/(1+sqrt(1-z^2))|<=1 (1) holds in the lens-shaped region illustrated above. Written explicitly ...
The necessary condition for the polychoron to be regular (with Schläfli symbol {p,q,r}) and finite is cos(pi/q)<sin(pi/p)sin(pi/r). Sufficiency can be established by ...
A two-dimensional binary (k=2) totalistic cellular automaton with a von Neumann neighborhood of range r=1. It has a birth rule that at least 2 of its 4 neighbors are alive, ...
While many computations admit shortcuts that allow them to be performed more rapidly, others cannot be sped up. Computations that cannot be sped up by means of any shortcut ...