
Search Results for "place memory"

81 - 90 of 153 for place memorySearch Results
Every nonplanar graph contains either the utility graph K_(3,3) (i.e., the complete bipartite graph on two sets of three vertices) or the pentatope graph K_5 as a ...
Let G be a simple connected graph, and take 0<=i<=d(G), where d(G) is the graph diameter. Then G has global parameters c_i (respectively a_i, b_i) if the number of vertices ...
The Church-Turing thesis (formerly commonly known simply as Church's thesis) says that any real-world computation can be translated into an equivalent computation involving a ...
A function built up of a finite combination of constant functions, field operations (addition, multiplication, division, and root extractions--the elementary operations)--and ...
A linear recurrence equation is a recurrence equation on a sequence of numbers {x_n} expressing x_n as a first-degree polynomial in x_k with k<n. For example ...
An ambiguous figure in which the brain switches between seeing a rabbit and a duck. The duck-rabbit was "originally noted" by American psychologist Joseph Jastrow (Jastrow ...
A two-dimensional map which is conjugate to the Hénon map in its nondissipative limit. It is given by x^' = x+y^' (1) y^' = y+epsilony+kx(x-1)+muxy. (2)
The lattice method is an alternative to long multiplication for numbers. In this approach, a lattice is first constructed, sized to fit the numbers being multiplied. If we ...
Sudoku (literally, "single number"), sometimes also is a pencil-and-paper logic puzzle whose goal is to complete a grid satisfying various constraints. In the "classic" ...
A complete oriented graph (Skiena 1990, p. 175), i.e., a graph in which every pair of nodes is connected by a single uniquely directed edge. The first and second 3-node ...
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