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There exists an integer N such that every string in the look and say sequence "decays" in at most N days to a compound of "common" and "transuranic elements." The table below ...
An error-correcting code is an algorithm for expressing a sequence of numbers such that any errors which are introduced can be detected and corrected (within certain ...
A doubly periodic function with periods 2omega_1 and 2omega_2 such that f(z+2omega_1)=f(z+2omega_2)=f(z), (1) which is analytic and has no singularities except for poles in ...
The Jacobi elliptic functions are standard forms of elliptic functions. The three basic functions are denoted cn(u,k), dn(u,k), and sn(u,k), where k is known as the elliptic ...
The word polyhedron has slightly different meanings in geometry and algebraic geometry. In geometry, a polyhedron is simply a three-dimensional solid which consists of a ...
A theorem which asserts that if a sequence or function behaves regularly, then some average of it behaves regularly. For example, A(x)∼x implies A_1(x)=int_0^xA(t)dt∼1/2x^2 ...
Given a property P, if P(x)∼x as x->infty (so, using asymptotic notation, the number of numbers less than x not satisfying the property P is o(x), where o(x) is one of the ...
136·2^(256) approx 1.575×10^(79). According to Eddington, the exact number of protons in the universe, where 136 was the reciprocal of the fine structure constant as best as ...
To enumerate a set of objects satisfying some set of properties means to explicitly produce a listing of all such objects. The problem of determining or counting all such ...
The continued fraction ((x+1)^n-(x-1)^n)/((x+1)^n+(x-1)^n)=n/(x+)(n^2-1)/(3x+)(n^2-2^2)/(5x+...).
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