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A method for fitting a curve (not necessarily a straight line) through a set of points using some goodness-of-fit criterion. The most common type of regression is linear ...
A rotor is a convex figure that can be rotated inside a polygon (or polyhedron) while always touching every side (or face). The least area rotor in a square is the Reuleaux ...
The salinon is the figure illustrated above formed from four connected semicircles. The word salinon is Greek for "salt cellar," which the figure resembles. If the radius of ...
Half a circle. The area of a semicircle of radius r is given by A = int_0^rint_(-sqrt(r^2-x^2))^(sqrt(r^2-x^2))dxdy (1) = 2int_0^rsqrt(r^2-x^2)dx (2) = 1/2pir^2. (3) The ...
The sigmoid function, also called the sigmoidal curve (von Seggern 2007, p. 148) or logistic function, is the function y=1/(1+e^(-x)). (1) It has derivative (dy)/(dx) = ...
A pathwise-connected domain is said to be simply connected (also called 1-connected) if any simple closed curve can be shrunk to a point continuously in the set. If the ...
A spheric section is the curve formed by the intersection of a plane with a sphere. Excluding the degenerate cases of the plane tangent to the sphere or the plane not ...
A sphericon is the solid formed from a bicone with opening angle of 90 degrees (and therefore with a=r=h) obtained by slicing the solid with a plane containing the rotational ...
If f:M->N, then the tangent map Tf associated to f is a vector bundle homeomorphism Tf:TM->TN (i.e., a map between the tangent bundles of M and N respectively). The tangent ...
The total graph T(G) of a graph G has a vertex for each edge and vertex of G and an edge in T(G) for every edge-edge, vertex-edge, and vertex-vertex adjacency in G ...
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