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371 - 380 of 936 for bell curveSearch Results
If two projective pencils of curves of orders n and n^' have no common curve, the locus of the intersections of corresponding curves of the two is a curve of order n+n^' ...
Consider a unit circle and a radiant point located at (mu,0). There are four different regimes of caustics, illustrated above. For radiant point at mu=infty, the catacaustic ...
A curve whose name means "shell form." Let C be a curve and O a fixed point. Let P and P^' be points on a line from O to C meeting it at Q, where P^'Q=QP=k, with k a given ...
The winding number of a contour gamma about a point z_0, denoted n(gamma,z_0), is defined by n(gamma,z_0)=1/(2pii)∮_gamma(dz)/(z-z_0) and gives the number of times gamma ...
The cornoid is the curve illustrated above given by the parametric equations x = acost(1-2sin^2t) (1) y = asint(1+2cos^2t), (2) where a>0. It is a sextic algebraic curve with ...
The term diamond is another word for a rhombus. The term is also used to denote a square tilted at a 45 degrees angle. The diamond shape is a special case of the superellipse ...
A strophoid of a circle with the pole O at the center of the circle and the fixed point P on the circumference of the circle. Freeth (1878, pp. 130 and 228) described this ...
The Gosper island (Mandelbrot 1977), also known as a flowsnake (Gardner 1989, p. 41), is a fractal that is a modification of the Koch snowflake. The term "Gosper island" was ...
A hypotrochoid is a roulette traced by a point P attached to a circle of radius b rolling around the inside of a fixed circle of radius a, where P is a distance h from the ...
The isoperimetric quotient of a closed curve is defined as the ratio of the curve area to the area of a circle (A=pir_A^2) with same perimeter (p=2pir_p) as the curve, Q = ...
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