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21 - 30 of 212 for Boyle lawSearch Results
The group of an elliptic curve which has been transformed to the form y^2=x^3+ax+b is the set of K-rational points, including the single point at infinity. The group law ...
No A is not-A.
If bc=bd (mod a) and (b,a)=1 (i.e., a and b are relatively prime), then c=d (mod a).
cos(20 degrees)cos(40 degrees)cos(80 degrees)=1/8. An identity communicated to Feynman as a child by a boy named Morrie Jacobs (Gleick 1992, p. 47). Feynman remembered this ...
The theorem in set theory and logic that for all sets A and B, B=(A intersection B^_) union (B intersection A^_)<=>A=emptyset, (1) where A^_ denotes complement set of A and ...
A metatheorem stating that every theorem on partially ordered sets remains true if all inequalities are reversed. In this operation, supremum must be replaced by infimum, ...
The numbers of eigenvalues that are positive, negative, or 0 do not change under a congruence transformation. Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2000) state it as follows: when a ...
Let lambda be (possibly complex) eigenvalues of a set of random n×n real matrices with entries independent and taken from a standard normal distribution. Then as n->infty, ...
The set of n quantities v_j are components of an n-dimensional vector v iff, under rotation, v_i^'=a_(ij)v_j (1) for i=1, 2, ..., n. The direction cosines between x_i^' and ...
With a large enough sample, any outrageous thing is likely to happen (Diaconis and Mosteller 1989). Littlewood (1986) considered an event which occurs one in a million times ...
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