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191 - 200 of 212 for Boyle lawSearch Results
A fractal is an object or quantity that displays self-similarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales. The object need not exhibit exactly the same structure at all ...
The greatest common divisor, sometimes also called the highest common divisor (Hardy and Wright 1979, p. 20), of two positive integers a and b is the largest divisor common ...
Generally speaking, a Green's function is an integral kernel that can be used to solve differential equations from a large number of families including simpler examples such ...
A mathematical procedure for finding the best-fitting curve to a given set of points by minimizing the sum of the squares of the offsets ("the residuals") of the points from ...
The Mittag-Leffler function (Mittag-Leffler 1903, 1905) is an entire function defined by the series E_alpha(z)=sum_(k=0)^infty(z^k)/(Gamma(alphak+1)) (1) for alpha>0. It is ...
A normal distribution in a variate X with mean mu and variance sigma^2 is a statistic distribution with probability density function ...
Pascal's triangle is a number triangle with numbers arranged in staggered rows such that a_(nr)=(n!)/(r!(n-r)!)=(n; r), (1) where (n; r) is a binomial coefficient. The ...
For a right triangle with legs a and b and hypotenuse c, a^2+b^2=c^2. (1) Many different proofs exist for this most fundamental of all geometric theorems. The theorem can ...
What is the maximum number of queens that can be placed on an n×n chessboard such that no two attack one another? The answer is n-1 queens for n=2 or n=3 and n queens ...
A random number is a number chosen as if by chance from some specified distribution such that selection of a large set of these numbers reproduces the underlying ...
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