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T-integration, which stands for "tunable numerical integration," is a fast, accurate, and numerically stable numerical integration formula given by ...
A module is a mathematical object in which things can be added together commutatively by multiplying coefficients and in which most of the rules of manipulating vectors hold. ...
A highly structured geometric object used to study groups which act upon them.
When referring to a planar object, "fixed" means that the object is regarded as fixed in the plane so that it may not be picked up and flipped. As a result, mirror images are ...
An object that is not superimposable on its mirror image is said to be dissymmetric. All asymmetric objects are dissymmetric, and an object with no improper rotation ...
The dimension of an object is a topological measure of the size of its covering properties. Roughly speaking, it is the number of coordinates needed to specify a point on the ...
The direction from an object A to another object B can be specified as a vector v=AB^-> with tail at A and head at B. However, since this vector has length equal to the ...
A theorem, also called a unicity theorem, stating the uniqueness of a mathematical object, which usually means that there is only one object fulfilling given properties, or ...
The product of a family {X_i}_(i in I) of objects of a category is an object P=product_(i in I)X_i, together with a family of morphisms {p_i:P->X_i}_(i in I) such that for ...
The categorical notion which is dual to product. The coproduct of a family {X_i}_(i in I) of objects of a category is an object C=coproduct_(i in I)X_i, together with a ...
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