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A ket |psi> is a vector living in a dual vector space to that containing bras <psi|. Bras and kets are commonly encountered in quantum mechanics. Bras and kets can be ...
An angle bracket is the combination of a bra and ket (bra+ket = bracket) which represents the inner product of two functions or vectors (or 1-forms), <f|g>=intf(x)g^|(x)dx in ...
The usual type of vector, which can be viewed as a contravariant tensor ("ket") of tensor rank 1. Contravariant vectors are dual to one-forms ("bras," a.k.a. covariant ...
A bra <psi| is a vector living in a dual vector space to that containing kets |psi>. Bras and kets are commonly encountered in quantum mechanics. Bras and kets can be ...
A notation invented by Dirac which is very useful in quantum mechanics. The notation defines the "ket" vector, denoted |psi>, and its conjugate transpose, called the "bra" ...
p^~=|phi_i(x)><phi_i(t)| (1) p^~sum_(j)c_j|phi_j(t)>=c_i|phi_i(x)> (2) sum_(i)|phi_i(x)><phi_i(x)|=1. (3)
A covariant tensor of rank 1, more commonly called a one-form (or "bra").
The L^2-inner product of two real functions f and g on a measure space X with respect to the measure mu is given by <f,g>_(L^2)=int_Xfgdmu, sometimes also called the bracket ...
A linear real-valued function omega^1 of vectors v such that omega^1(v)|->R. Vectors (i.e., contravariant vectors or "kets" |psi>) and one-forms (i.e., covariant vectors or ...
The generalized Gell-Mann matrices are the n^2-1 matrices generating the Lie algebra associated to the special unitary group SU(n), n>=2. As their name suggests, these ...
