
Diophantine Equation

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A Diophantine equation is an equation for which only integer solutions are allowed.

Diophantine equation is a college-level concept that would be first encountered in a number theory course.


Congruence: A congruence is an equation in modular arithmetic, i.e., one in which only the remainders relative to some base, known as the "modulus," are significant.
Elliptic Curve: An elliptic curve is curve defined by an irreducible cubic polynomial in two variables.
Fermat's Last Theorem: Fermat's last theorem is a famous problem in mathematics conjectured by Pierre Fermat around 1637 but not proved until 1995 which states that any number that is a power greater than two cannot be the sum of two like powers.

Classroom Articles on Number Theory (Up to College Level)

  • Continued Fraction
  • Prime Counting Function
  • Convergent
  • Prime Factorization Algorithms
  • Divisor Function
  • Prime Number Theorem
  • Euclidean Algorithm
  • Quadratic Reciprocity Theorem
  • Euler-Mascheroni Constant
  • Squarefree
  • Number Theory
  • Totient Function
  • Partition
  • Transcendental Number
  • Perfect Number
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