
Second Zagreb Index

The second Zagreb index for a graph with vertex count n and vertex degrees d_i for i=1, ..., n is defined by

 Z_2=sum_((i,j) in E(G))d_id_j,

where E(G) is the edge set of G.

See also

First Zagreb Index, Zagreb Indices

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Alikhani, S. and Ghanbari, N. "Golden Ratio in Graph Theory: A Survey." 9 Jul 2024., J. and Balaban, A. T. (Eds.). "The Zabgreb Indices." In Topological Indices and Related Descriptors in QSAR and QSPR. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Gordon and Breach, pp. 28-29, 2000.Gutman, I.; Ruščić, B.; Trinajstić, N.; and Wilcox, C. F. "Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XII. Acyclic Polyenes." J. Chem. Phys. 62, 3399-3409, 1975.Lin, Z.; Wang, J.; and Cai, M. "The Laplacian Spectral Ratio of Connected Graphs." 21 Feb 2023.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Second Zagreb Index." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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