Parallel computing is the execution of a computer program utilizing multiple computer processors (CPU) concurrently instead of using one processor exclusively. Let be the run-time of the fastest
known sequential algorithm and let
be the run-time of the parallel algorithm executed on
processors, where
is the size of the input.
The speedup is then defined as
i.e., the ratio of the sequential execution time to the parallel execution time. Ideally, one would like , which is called perfect speedup, although in practice
this is rarely achieved. (There are some situations where superlinear speedup is
achieved due to memory hierarchy effects.)
Another metric to measure the performance of a parallel algorithm is efficiency, ,
defined as
One can use speedup and efficiency to analyze algorithms either theoretically using asymptotic run-time complexity or in practice by measuring the time of program execution.
is fixed, Speedup and Efficiency are equivalent measures, differing only by the constant