

A mathematical structure A is said to be closed under an operation + if, whenever a and b are both elements of A, then so is a+b.

A solution to a problem that has an analytic solution in terms of standard named functions, constants, etc., is said to have a closed-form solution.

In topology, a set taken together with its boundary is also called closed. For example, while the interior of a sphere is an open ball, the interior together with the sphere itself is a closed ball. The opposite of closed in this sense is open.

A plane curve with no endpoints and that completely encloses an area is known as a closed curve.

See also

Closed Interval, Closed-Form Solution, Closed Manifold, Closed Map, Closed Set, Open, Open Set

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Closed." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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